The Office of Diversion and Reentry Services contracts with several community partners to provide educational opportunities for clients:
- High school diploma program: This is a free County Office of Education program onsite at the San Jose Reentry Resource Center. Students have the opportunity to earn the credits necessary to receive their high school diploma. It's a class of their peers with individualized assistance from the instructor and they are able to go at their own pace. The Reentry Resource Center accepts applications on an ongoing basis.
- Drug and Alcohol Peer Mentor Program: This program is in partnership with San Jose Community College (SJCC) and provides reentry clients the opportunity to enroll in free SJCC classes towards a California Mental Health Services Authority (CalMHSA) or California Consortium of Addiction Programs and Professionals (CCAPP) certification while allowing them to experience college in-person at the Reentry Center in San Jose. Clients attend classes with their peers and the program includes a work experience course where students can obtain paid internships with other Diversion and Reentry Services partners. This program is for clients interested in becoming certified peer mentors and/or certified drug and alcohol counselors.
For more information about these programs call (408) 535-4299