Gilroy Reentry Resource Center Services
8425 Murray Ave., Gilroy, CA 95020
(408) 201-0690
You can also call (408) 201-0690 and speak with a staff member or leave a clear message with your name, phone number and question. Someone will return your call. Thank you and stay safe.
Service Providers | MONday | TUESday | WEDnesday | THURsday | FRIday |
Client Service Triage | 8am - 5pm | 8am - 5pm | 8am - 5pm | 8am - 5pm | 8am - 5pm |
Mobile Medical Unit: Primary care & psychiatric services 408-316-7902 | | 9:30am-4pm for primary care. Psychiatric services are remote. | | | |
Faith-Based Services: Case Management Good Samaritan Project | 8:30am - 5pm | 8:30am - 5pm | 8:30m - 5pm | 8:30am - 5pm | 1pm - 5pm |
Never Give Up: Case Management | 8:30am - 5pm | 8:30am - 5pm | 8:30am - 5pm | 8:30am - 5pm | 1pm - 5pm |
Catholic Charities: Employment Assistance | | 10:30am - 4pm | | | |
Probation: Assessment, referral and service linkage | | 8am - 5pm | | 8am - 5pm | |
San Jose State University Service Navigation Mentoring Program: Case Management | 1pm - 5pm | | | | 8:30am - 5pm |
Santa Clara County Office of Education Justice Family Education Program: High School Diploma Program | | 9am - 3:30pm | | | |
Public Defender: Expungement Walk in 408-535-4290 | | 9am - 2pm last Tues. of the mo. | | | |
Pro Bono Project Virtual Legal Clinic Sign up in advance (408) 201-0690 or walk in to register | | | 1pm-3pm, 2nd & 4th Wed. of the mo. | | |
Updated 11/12/24