Report to alternative supervision programs
Individuals released to the programs below should report to the RRC unless directed otherwise:
- Custody Alternative Supervision Unit (CASU)
- Electronic Monitoring Program (EMP)
- Sheriff Work Program (SWP)
Custodial Alternative Supervision Program (CASP)
The Office of the Sheriff offers alternative sentencing to individuals through the Custody Alternative Supervision Program (CASP). Participants of CASP finish the remainder of their custody sentence in the community, where they are offered social services, transitional housing opportunities, mental health, and substance abuse treatment, and are enrolled in additional rehabilitative courses to assist them in reintegrating back into the community as productive members. Additionally, when appropriate, CASP also allows participants to return to their families or live in transitional housing, seek additional education or technical skills, and either seek employment or continue to work in their current career. To ensure public safety, the CASP population is supervised by the Custody Alternative Supervision Unit (CASU). CASU is a blended unit comprised of specialized Sheriff Deputies from both enforcement and custodial divisions of the Sheriff’s Office who work together with rehabilitation officers, Social Services, probation officers, and program specialists to provide an intensive supervision program.
Electronic Monitoring Program (EMP)
Starting in 2020, the Office of the Sheriff implemented an additional alternative sentencing program in response to the COVID-19 pandemic to help mitigate inmate exposure while assisting in reducing in-custody population. The program was called the Sheriff Office Electrontronic Monitoring Program (S/O EMP). Since the pandemic, the EMP has continued to bring Non-violent, County-Sentenced Felons and Misdemeanants out of custody and into an in-community programs through an individualized treatment plan that includes the use of Electronic Monitoring of the participants.
Like the CASP program, the EMP provides an individualized plan for each participant to receive treatment, training, education, and the opportunity to work while living at a treatment facility, transitional housing, or at home while serving their sentence. In addition to CASU supervising the participants while they are in class, at work, or at home, they also enlist the use of technology comprised of a GPS locating device and software that provides 24-hour monitoring of the participant. The technology allows the participant to be tracked throughout the day as they are scheduled to attend their programs, and provides and extra layer of accountability for both the team and the participant.
Sheriff Work Program (SWP)
The Courts of Santa Clara County identify low-risk offenders and sentence them to the Sheriff’s Work Program as an alternative to jail.The Sheriff’s Work Program (SWP) is an alternative program for jail sentences. SWP serves several purposes: Low-risk offenders do not have to go to jail, which reduces employment difficulties and related financial burdens for both the individual as well as society. Also, serving in the Sheriff’s Work Program provides a valuable service to the community.
The Programs Unit - Custody Bureau oversees the SWP operation. The program is designed to have the citizens of our community, who have committed crimes, to serve their sentences in a productive and cost-effective manner. SWP participants have been thoroughly screened by the Courts and the Probation Department prior to being accepted into the program.
SWP participants participate in the program at no cost to them. Therefore, the program puts no financial burden on the citizens of Santa Clara County or Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Office. The participants serve their sentences on weekdays and weekends, allowing them to retain their regular employment.
The Programs Unit has established approximately 67 locations throughout the County where participants can work. The participants normally report to these sites to complete their sentences.
Some of the various agencies that utilize SWP workers are the City of San Jose (Christmas in the Park, Roads Department, Parks Department), County Roads and Airport Division, County Parks Division, California Department of Transportation and various baseball Little Leagues.
Under strict guidelines, the great benefit from SWP is that participants can complete their jail sentences without entering the jail environment and perform a valuable public service in the process.
Contact information
First Saturday of the month